Studio Caba & Chesi originates from the meeting between Giovanni Basile and Matteo Chesi, two established professionals in the field of publishing, illustrations and cartoon cinema.
After ten years from its creation, Studio Caba & Chesi is a steady and influential point of reference for the most important communication companies, advertising agencies, video production studios, publishers and (public and private) bodies, both in Italy and abroad. Professionalism, organizing and producing abilities and innovation are in service to the most varied sectors of creativity.

Editorial design, layout and graphics for book and printing materials.
Fiction, non-fiction, educational and advertising illustration equipment.

- Brochures, booklets, leaflets, packaging, catalogues, coordinated images, marks and logos.

Video Production    
- 2D animation, complete designing starting from the concept to the post-production.
- Transposition of picture books subjects into animated ones using digital
decoupage techniques.
- Character design.
- Flash animation for web.

Multimedia and Web
- Web-site designing, development and creation using HTML, ASP, PHP, FLASH technologies.
- Realization of: portals, e-commerce sites and database applications based on Access/MySQL/MSSQL.
- Restyling and reorganization of web-sites already in existence.
- Interactive Cd-Rom.

1992 - Comics and Fantastic International Exhibition, 1st prize Pier Lambicchi – Coppa Bacchino, Prato
1996 - Publication “Annual 1996”, Children Book Exhibition, Bologna

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore                       
De Agostini Ragazzi
Giorgio Mondadori Editore
Idea Libri
Fabbri Editore
R.C.S Libri
La Nuova Italia Editrice
La Biblioteca
Minerva Italica
Giunti Scuola
Macdonald Young Books
McRae Books
Consorzio Grana Padano
Raffaello Editore
Editore Guerra
Lungarno Editore
123 Publishing House
Comune di Prato
Nicola Milano Editore
AAM Terranuova
Giroelcema edizioni
Biblioteca Lazzerini
Ardea Editore
Florence Packaging
Agenzia di comunicazione MDP
Paco Abbigliamento
Ghisettiecorvi Editore
Andrea Duè
Diaframma Film

Red Whale
Eli Editrice
Meditars s.n.c
CD&V s.r.l
Apipazze s.n.c
Point Studio s.r.l
APS Video
Palumbo Editore
Bluedit s.c.r.l

Download our Showreel (7,5 MB)
Download our Portfolio (13,0 MB)

Fairs in collaboration with Arkitris

Festival della Creatività 2007, Firenze
Lucca Comics & Games 2007, Lucca
Fiera del Libro per Ragazzi, Bologna

Studio Caba & Chesi
P.zza della Gualcherina 25
59100 Prato
Tel./Fax +39 0574 442669

Matteo Chesi - Giovanni Basile